About Display5

We specialize in building and providing a true web-based digital communications platform with a single content management system (CMS). 


Changing the Game: through web-based design

Display5 specializes in offering a small business or an enterprise digital media software platform for communicating via digital screens to the occupants of common areas: buildings, campuses, cities, etc. Anywhere where people congregate is an opportunity to communicate your message: Your own digital signage content; a live Town Hall address; Emergency notification; or updates on the status of your facility. 


We made a commitment to a web architecture enabled by the browser, well before the full browser feature set was available. That commitment has positioned our platform and our customers to take full advantage of diverse technologies finding common ground in the browser: Unified Communications (UC); the Internet of Things (IoT); and the Display5 platform.


We love and take pride in our work. Ease of use and powerful capabilities are our highly valued goals to allow you to create stunningly designed Shows or switch the use of the screens for another purpose in an instant.

Leadership Team

FounderAbout Display5
Paul Gragtmans
FounderAbout Display5
Simon Arnison

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