Integrated QR Code Generator

Simplifies QR Code Deployment & Management

Why do organizations struggle to manage their digital QR codes?

With an integrated QR Code generator and a single CMS, it is much easier to manage QR codes across your organization.  Combine your QR codes with all the other content types on a single platform.  And watch your QR code use case deployment accelerate, and quickly realize the compound benefits.

Deployed on a Single Platform for all Screens

Digital Media Communications Platform

The many benefits of QR code Use Cases will Scale & Multiply

With an integrated QR code generator, there are so many great ways to use QR codes that have an immediate ROI. Organizations struggle to manage their QR codes across their disparate platforms.   Display5’s single CMS, for streaming digital media content to any device, with an integrated QR code generator, simplifies QR code deployment. And, our suite of tools to manage QR codes lets your organization focus on new ways to capture the benefits.

Integrated QR code generator

Use Cases

  • Building management
  • Healthcare
  • Marketing – Promotion
  • Community building
  • Administration
  • Support
  • Factory floor
  • Warehousing
  • Emergency management
  • + + +

Our Integrated QR Code Management Capabilities

Help you quickly scale QR code use cases, compounding the benefits.

Integrated QR Code Generator

QR Code Widget

Easy to Manage


Advanced Control

Apply Full

Adding & Updating QR Codes

See the difference an integrated QR code generator makes:

QR Code Update

Quick Demos


Integrated QR Code Generator Widget

  • Separate widget type
  • Integrated QR code generator
  • Multiple QR code types
  • Instantly sized to panel, and easily re-sized & positioned in panel
  • Apply common and scheduling widget settings
  • Instantly publish to content stream (Show)
  • Combine with other content types
  • Part of Display5 enterprise platform

Display5 QR Code Widget Demo

Integrated QR Code Generator

QR Code Mgmt: Simplified & Streamlined

  1. Create: QR Codes are much easier to create and edit within a platform than creating them outside and importing them (see image above)
  2. Control: Leverage the unparalleled, powerful content control features in Display5 to deploy your QR codes (overlay, nested content, blank slides, schedule, combine, publish/unpublish, ... )
  3. Organize: Sort the QR codes to instantly identify where QR code widgets are deployed in all your content streams and click to edit.  Use other ways to organize: by color, QR type, name, tag, and more.

Some Display5 QR Code Management Features

QR Code Management demo

Ultimate Flexibility & Enterprise Capability

Becoming Part of Your IT Infrastructure

Supporting a new application within your IT environment is mandatory. The Display5 Platform has been integrated into many corporate IT environments. We know what it takes to integrate and connect. SSO, security, backup, databases, applications, VoD platforms, Office systems …


Simple security certification because Display5 uses your certified corporate browser(s) to manage the platform and to play content.

Awesome Support

Display5 provides a responsive and highly qualified support team.  With multiple ways to connect and take care of all your Digital Media streams, across your organization.
